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This Mobile Scanner Let You Scan Documents to PDF on Your Android Phone

Scanner is a need of everyone either you’re a student, a job holder or running a company you should have scanner to complete your routine task easily and effectively. At any stage of your life you must have used scanner to scan your certificate, documents or photos. But I would not suggest you to buy it right now especially to students who need it once or twice. I would rather gonna share a useful idea how to use scanner without purchasing one. 

Most of you who own an android smartphone never hear before that you can also use it as scanner to scan your important documents or pictures when needed. You only need to install a very useful android app called Camscanner to turn your smartphone into fully functioning picture and document scanner.

Camscanner, free apk
Camscanner enhance the quality of documents or pictures by enabling you to crop and resize it. It also let you further edit and customize the document after scanning it. Camscanner came up with a very useful feature to password protect your document and share it to intended person only. The premium version of Camscanner comes with more exciting features like Optical Character (OCR), free automatically uploading to Google Drive, OneDrive, Dropbox and Evernote.

How to Scan Documents with Your Android Phone using Camscanner

  • Download and install Camscanner from Google Playstore or direct from the link provided below
  • Take picture of the required document using camera icon
phone scanner

  • Use tick icon to process the photo or document
android app

  • Adjust the document using crop option 
how to scan documents online

  • You can now share it as JPEG or PDF file by selecting the document or picture
smartphone scanner

If you wanna save the scanned document or picture please long press the it to bring up the save option

Download Camscanner apk (here)


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Consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
Consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.


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