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KM Player Description
The KMPlayer is a flexible media player which can cover different sorts of compartment organization, for example, VCD, DVD, AVI, MKV, Ogg Theora, OGM, 3GP, MPEG-1/2/4, WMV, RealMedia, and QuickTime among others. It handles an extensive variety of subtitles and permits you to catch sound, video, and screenshots from multiple points of view.

The player gives both interior and outside channels with a completely controlled environment as far as associations with different splitters, decoders, sound/video change channels and renderers without pondering the DirectShow justify framework. Inner channels are not enlisted to client's framework to keep it from being fouled up with framework channels.

In December 2008 KMPlayer was purchased by Pandora.tv, and keeps on being made accessible as freeware.


Opera 30.0.1835.125

Opera 30

Opera Description

Opera show might not have won the program wars as of late, yet it's still a very much regarded application that positions fourth in the program stakes. Musical show clients advantage from an inherent BitTorrent customer and incorporated IRC visit, and it's reliably shake strong and expedient.

Numerous clients first go over Opera Software on their cell phone. Musical show Mini, the organization's versatile program, is famous for its speed and proficiency. The desktop program profits by an assortment of expansions and a similar quick load times. Its JavaScript usefulness permits custom code to be utilized on pages, offering a portion of the customisation that GreaseMonkey clients appreciate in Firefox.

Clients with handicaps pick Opera as a result of its demonstrated duty to openness and principles consistence. It's additionally pulled in a worldwide after, having been discharged in 60 dialects notwithstanding English.

Different advantages include:

Customisable console alternate routes.

Customisable mouse motions.

Voice control and screen perusing fot sight and listening to disabled clients.

Discretionary intermediary bolster for super-quick stacking.

The utilization of an ace secret key to secure spared passwords.

Created in Norway and utilized around the world, Opera is a strong decision. The program might not have snatched the features like Chrome, but rather it has driven the route for a long time with regards to inventive components.

Searching for the Mac variant of Opera? Download Here

Any Video Converter 5.8.2

Any Video Converter 5.8.2
Any Video Converter is an All-in-One video changing over instrument with simple to-utilize graphical interface, quick changing over speed and phenomenal video quality. It permits you to easily change over video records between each configuration! It can change over all video groups including DivX, XviD, MOV, rm, rmvb, MPEG, VOB, DVD, WMV, AVI to MPEG-4 motion picture design for iPod/PSP or other versatile video gadget, MP4 player or advanced mobile phone. It additionally underpins any client characterized video document arranges as the yield. Any Video Converter makes it simple for anybody to appreciate the any configuration video with your iPod, PSP, cell phone or MP4 player.

Easy to understand interface that is anything but difficult to utilize.

Changes over all video configurations to Apple iPod Video, Sony PSP and that's only the tip of the iceberg

Clump change over any video designs including avi, wmv, asf, mpg, mp4, and so forth.

Bolster DivX and Xvid avi organize as bringing in and sending out video

Bolster default video/sound settings or client tweaked parameters for video and sound.

Has the choice to review the video progressively before change .

World's quickest video transformation speed with dazzling video and sound quality.

Bolsters alter numerous video/sound choices for MP4 documents. For instance, video/sound specimen rate, bit rate, video estimate...


Google Chrome 45.0.2454.15 Beta

Google Chrome 45.0.2454.15 Beta

Google Chrome Description

Google's amusement changing program Chrome joins complex innovation with a straightforward UI, to make a quicker, more secure and less demanding perusing background. Propelled in 2008, Google Chrome immediately ruled the program market to end up distinctly the most utilized program universally inside 4 years of its open discharge. Google's fast and ceaseless improvement cycle guarantees the program keeps on contending with the other most mainstream and propelled web programs accessible.


Maybe the region Google contributed the vast majority of its improvement time to separate from different programs. Google Chrome dispatches amazingly rapidly from your desktop, runs applications at speed on account of a capable JavaScript motor and loads pages quickly utilizing the WebKit open source rendering motor. Add to this speedier pursuit and route choices from the streamlined UI and you have a program that is truly difficult to beat on speed, particularly if gaming is your thing.

Perfect, straightforward UI

Google Chrome's most striking element and a significant calculate its notoriety - the basic UI hasn't changed much since the beta dispatch in 2008. Google concentrated on trimming down superfluous toolbar space to expand perusing land. The program is comprised of 3 lines of instruments, the top layer evenly stacks consequently conforming tabs, by a straightforward new tabs symbol and the standard minimize, grow and close windows controls. The center line incorporates 3 route controls (Back, Forward and Stop/Refresh), a URL box which additionally permits coordinate Google web seeking and a star bookmarking symbol. Augmentations and program settings symbols line up to one side of the URL box. The third line is comprised of bookmark envelopes and introduced applications. Not entirely obvious now, this clean UI was a much needed refresher contrasted with the packed toolbars of prevalent programs pre-2008.


Another gigantically mainstream include, Incognito mode permits you to peruse secretly by incapacitating history recording, diminishing traceable breadcrumbs and expelling following treats on shutdown. Chrome's settings additionally permit you to redo general perusing protection inclinations.


Chrome's Sandboxing counteracts malware consequently introducing on your PC or influencing other program tabs. Chrome additionally has Safe Browsing innovation worked in with malware and phishing insurance that cautions you in the event that you experience a site associated with containing malignant programming/action. Standard programmed upgrades guarantee security elements are a la mode and successful.


An immense determination of applications, augmentations, subjects and settings make your perusing background one of a kind to you. Enhance efficiency, security, route speed, practically anything you can consider with applications and augmentations from the Google Chrome Store. Introduce topics made by top specialists or make your own utilizing mychrometheme.com. Sign in with your Google Account to go down your contacts, inclinations, history and in addition get to all your Google instruments with a solitary login.

CCleaner 5.08.5308

CCleaner 5.08.5308

CCleaner Description

Presumably the most prominent freeware cleaner all inclusive with more than 1 billion downloads since its dispatch in 2003. Piriform's CCleaner is a brisk and simple to utilize program which makes your PC speedier, more secure and more solid. CCleaner expels treats, impermanent records and different other unused information that obstructs your working framework. This arranges for significant hard plate space permitting your framework to run quicker. Evacuating this information likewise ensures your namelessness meaning you can peruse online all the more safely. The implicit Registry Cleaner fixes mistakes and broken settings to make your PC more steady. The straightforward, instinctive UI and fast yet intense cleaning make CCleaner a most loved among amateurs and geeks alike. Proficient, Network, Business and Technician Editions of CCleaner are additionally accessible for genuine clients.

A Faster Computer

Perusing the web your PC grabs an entire host of superfluous documents, treats and history. A similar thing happens when you run most projects on your PC – bunches of transitory documents and settings are spared. CCleaner expels these unused documents and settings to free up important hard drive space, empowering your framework to run quicker. The default settings just concentrate on average garbage records and areas so you're probably not going to lose critical data unless you adjust these. A Startup Cleaner additionally helps you to distinguish and evacuate unused projects running out of sight when you begin your PC. This makes the startup time shorter and puts less strain on your hard drive all through utilize. You can read more about startup bolster here.

Less Crashes and System Errors

In the event that you see loads of framework stops, mistake messages and frequently encounter crashes, the odds are your registry get to be distinctly jumbled with unused documents and broken settings. CCleaner's completely included Registry Cleaner recognizes these issues and fixes them. The registry examination takes seconds and cleaning only a tiny bit longer. Prompts encourage you when to spare reinforcements to abstain from losing vital information.

More Secure Browsing

Sponsors and sites track your conduct online with treats. Spared passwords, stored information and web histories make your personality less secure. CCleaner evacuates these documents to make your perusing knowledge classified, which means you are less inclined to experience the ill effects of data fraud or potentially online extortion. The military review Drive Wiper guarantees any information you need to be forever erased, stays erased.

Customisable Cleaning

CCleaner Tools and Options tabs permit you to tweak cleaning alternatives to fit your needs. On the off chance that you are not a keen client, you might need to stay with the sheltered default settings. Propelled clients can uninstall undesirable projects, select which treats to spare, tweak cleaning settings and setup framework checking.


CCleaner has earned its position at the highest point of the freeware cleaners offering the kind of elements premium projects battle to contend with. The spotless, natural UI makes it one of the least demanding projects to utilize, however don't give its size and effortlessness a chance to trick you. This is an intense utility for enhancing your PCs execution. Piriform's customary overhaul prepare implies CCleaner is continually enhancing and its ubiquity will keep on growing.

Mozilla Firefox 40.0

Firefox 40.0 Beta 7

Browser Description

Mozilla Firefox is a quick, light and clean open source web program. At its open dispatch in 2004 Mozilla Firefox was the primary program to challenge Microsoft Internet Explorer's predominance. From that point forward, Mozilla Firefox has reliably highlighted in the main 3 most well known programs all around. The key elements that have made Mozilla Firefox so prevalent are the straightforward and successful UI, program speed and solid security capacities. The program is especially prominent with designers on account of its open source improvement and dynamic group of cutting edge clients.

Less demanding Browsing

Mozilla put of a great deal of assets into making a basic however successful UI went for making perusing speedier and simpler. They made the tab structure that has been received by most different programs. As of late Mozilla has additionally centered around expanding perusing region by improving toolbar controls to only a Firefox catch (which contains settings and alternatives) and back/forward catches. The URL box includes coordinate Google looking and in addition an auto foresee/history highlight called Awesome Bar. On the correct side of the URL box there are bookmarking, history and invigorate catches. To one side of the URL box is a pursuit box which permits you to alter your web crawler choices. Outside of that a view catch controls what you see beneath the URL. By that you have the download history and home catches.


Mozilla Firefox brags amazing page stack speeds because of the fantastic JagerMonkey JavaScript motor. Start up speed and illustrations rendering are likewise among the fastest in the market. Firefox oversees complex video and web content utilizing layer-based Direct2D and Driect3D design frameworks. Crash insurance guarantees just the module creating the issue quits working, not whatever is left of the substance being perused. Reloading the page restarts any influenced modules. The tab framework and Awesome Bar have been streamlined to dispatch/get comes about rapidly as well.


Firefox was the primary program to present a private perusing highlight which permits you to utilize the web all the more secretly and safely. History, seeks, passwords, downloads, treats and stored substance are altogether expelled on shutdown. Minimizing the odds of another client taking your personality or finding secret data. Content security, hostile to phishing innovation and antivirus/antimalware coordination guarantees your perusing background is as sheltered as could be expected under the circumstances.

Personalisation and Development

One of the best components of the Firefox UI is customization. Basically right tap on the route toolbar to modify singular segments or simply simplified things you need to move around. The inbuilt Firefox Add-ons Manager permits you to find and introduce additional items inside the program and in addition see appraisals, proposals and depictions. Perused about the top prescribed additional items for Mozilla Firefox on TechBeat. A huge number of adjustable subjects permit you to modify the look and feel of your program. Site creators and engineers can make propelled substance and applications utilizing Mozilla's open source stage and improved API.

AVG AntiVirus 2015 Version 15.0.6086

Antivirus Description

If you want free antivirus software that can give you peace of mind, then AVG AntiVirus Free is your ideal solution. The program will protect your computer against viruses and other malicious applications by doing more than scanning your system. 

On the off chance that you need free antivirus programming that can give you true serenity, then AVG AntiVirus Free is your optimal arrangement. The program will secure your PC against infections and different malignant applications by accomplishing more than filtering your framework.


AVG AntiVirus 2015 Version 15.0.6086Gives constant security to guarantee PC is constantly protected through AVG Resident Shield

AVG On-Demand Scanner permits clients to calendar tests

AVG E-mail Scanner checks for any vindictive substance covered up in email messages

AVG Virus Vault handles contaminated documents securely

Boundless upgrades of the free infection database

Squares tainted connections

Checks records before downloading

Utilizing AVG AntiVirus Free

The establishment bundle incorporate numerous segments that are naturally introduced as a matter of course. Notwithstanding, custom support permits clients to choose the parts they might want to introduce. These segments incorporate personality, Web perusing and email security.

Since AVG AntiVirus Free is advertisement upheld, it offers outsider devices and rolls out improvements to Web programs. Nonetheless, we gave careful consideration amid establishment and abstained from clicking "Next" pointlessly, which was sufficient to avoid the things we didn't need.

The new AVG AntiVirus Free has embraced the presence of Windows 8, including level catches on a perfectly sorted out UI.

The program has a few improved components, which are helpful for ensuring individual information both locally and on the web. The most recent discharge incorporates an imaginative cloud-based identification strategy that surrenders clients the most to-date insurance in light of the most recent infection definitions and different calculations. With Outbreak Detection include, the program empowers clients to find a way to stop developing dangers from the beginning.

The program let us filter custom envelopes and records, removable drives or an entire PC. We could likewise set it to check for rootkits alone. To be sure, the free antivirus programming has customization alternatives that empower propelled clients to arrange its total filtering conduct. A portion of the things we could design included output speed, special cases, programmed infection evacuation, following treats, heuristics, files, PUP and spyware reports, record expansions and programmed PC shutdown.

Notwithstanding confirming both active and approaching messages, we additionally utilized the program to channel spam. It is good with POP3, IMAP and SMTP. The program additionally filters suspicious exercises and applications to avoid wholesale fraud.


AVG AntiVirus Free is a capable program for giving PCs an all-adjusted security. Its default setups permit tenderfoot clients to have thorough security, and propelled clients can change it to suit their inclinations.

Programming Product Description

With this free dissemination rendition of the well known AVG Anti-Virus framework, you will get a dependable apparatus for your PC security against PC infections.

Media Player Classic - Home Cinema 1.7.9

Player Description

Media Player Classic Home Cinema is a to a great degree light-weight free media player for Windows. It looks simply like Windows Media Player, however has numerous extra elements. You can utilize the player as a Media Player Classic Home Theater.

Upheld Decoding:

MPEG-1, MPEG-2 and MPEG-4 playback. Media Player Classic is fit for VCD, SVCD and DVD playback, without the need to introduce any extra programming or codecs. It has worked in codecs for MPEG-2 video and codecs for LPCM, MP2, AC3 and DTS sound, furthermore contains an enhanced MPEG splitter that backings playback of VCDs and SVCDs utilizing its VCD/SVCD/XCD Reader. A *.mp4 and MPEG-4 Timed Text bolster included. An AAC translating channel makes MPC reasonable for AAC playback in MP4. MPC Home Cinema likewise has H.264 and VC-1 with DXVA bolster, DivX, Xvid, and Flash Video configurations is accessible in MPC HC. MPC can likewise utilize the QuickTime and the RealPlayer structures. Media Player Classic backings local playback of OGM and Matroska compartment groups.

Upheld Video, Audio and Image File Formats:



Alternative to expel Tearing.

Better support for Windows Vista, including a discharge for 64 bits stage.

Bolster for EVR (Enhanced Video Renderer)

Bolsters Subtitles.

Playback and recording of TV if a bolstered TV tuner is introduced.

Production of minidump when MPC HC crashes.

OSD (On Screen Display)

Carry PN31 remote control bolster

Bolster Multi-Monitor design

Pixel shader to change over BT601 - BT701

YV12 Chroma Upsampling pixel shader

Dialect Translations.

All elements from the Guliverkli MPC Project from Gabest.

Remote control for Android gadgets


GTA Vice City

GTA Vice City
The Vice City diversion from various perspectives is superior to its energizing Grand Theft Auto III. The PC adaptation of GTA Vice City has enhanced visuals and controls, ideal start up times and additional addons. Bad habit City additionally offers same immaculate receptive gaming knowledge.
GTA bad habit city vehicles are exceptionally smooth. You can likewise download gta bad habit city spared amusements however that won't give the genuine satisfaction in diversion. Autos in gta bad habit city are effortlessly tuned up. in the event that you go thorugh gta bad habit city missions list you'll see every bad habit city mission turn out to be increasingly troublesome. Gta bad habit city sound records download are accessible which got to be distinctly popular. Amusement gta bad habit city free underneath.
To be more exact, Grand Theft Auto Vice City is a later form of Grand Theft Auto III. Free-form amusement play of GTA III was to a great degree appreciating. The new bad habit city has more potential dependence. Bad habit City has a great deal of new components, for example, new drivable vehicles. You can likewise appreciate Game mod of this discharge otherwise called GTA Lyari Express.



Golf trucks

Better vehicle harm displaying

New weapons

Streamlined Indoor situations.

Download GTA Vice City

This is Full GTA Vice City Game. Appreciate the energizing missions of Vice City.

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VLC Media Player 2.2.1

Player Description

Numerous media players are good with just a couple organizations, and clients are compelled to introduce a few projects on the off chance that they need to play diverse sorts of documents. With VLC Media Player, be that as it may, you won't have to do this since this free video player acknowledges all configurations from a wide assortment of information sources. Notwithstanding playing numerous sound and video groups, including Blu-Ray, the most recent rendition can likewise go about as a server to stream both multicast and unicast content in either IPv4 or IPv6. The adjustments in this new film player put it in front of the opposition.


Acknowledges a wide range of information, including gushing media, plates, records, webcams and different gadgets

Plays most codecs without the need of introducing other codec packs

Compressed document playback

Live recording

Better speed controls

Outline by casing support

Video scaling in full screen

Changes over media starting with one arrangement then onto the next

Good with all PC working frameworks


Introducing the player took just a few moments in spite of the fact that you can take marginally more on the off chance that you need to choose or deselect a portion of the numerous choices it offers, including introducing Web program module.

Utilizing VLC

Considering the wide assortment of choices VLC Media Player has and the various configurations it acknowledges, the film player is moderately light and quick. We thought that it was anything but difficult to associate with the player, and its catches were responsive. We set the free video recorder as the default player.

The program utilizes tabs to separate the different choices it offers, each of which gives choices to making pertinent modification. For instance, clients can pick different impacts and yield modules in the sound tab while the video tab gives alternatives to performing deinterlacing, running on Accelerated Video Output and making diverse impacts progressively.

We thought that it was helpful to utilize the console alternate routes the program underpins. You can utilize distinctive key mixes to perform the vast majority of the things you can do with a mouse. The free video player makes an extraordinary showing with regards to with keeping unused components off the beaten path yet simple to get to. While many individuals will be fulfilled utilizing VLC Media Player as their most loved film player, the program has more capacities.

We could modify the player to suit our inclinations, including picking toolbar components and the position of the toolbar itself. We enjoyed the program's capacity to show the applicable bit promptly notwithstanding when we stopped a video, which made it simple to find sought segments before playing.

These components would have neither rhyme nor reason if the sound quality were not equivalent. Luckily, VLC Media Player creates excellent sound and acknowledges a few arrangements, including changing the equalizer and setting encompass sound. We especially delighted in the sound originating from the earphone.


Simple to introduce and utilize

Plays everything

Records and changes over media


Free and cross-stage


Plays out of sight when media record is clicked

VLC Media Player is reasonable for both fundamental and propelled clients, which makes it a balanced program.

Programming Description

VLC (at first VideoLAN Client) is a free video player for different sound and video designs (MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DivX, mp3, ogg, ...) and DVDs, VCDs, and different spilling conventions. It can likewise be utilized as a server to stream in unicast or multicast in IPv4 or IPv6 on a high-data transmission organize.


Free, Open Source and cross-stage
Independant of frameworks codecs to bolster most video sorts
Live recording
Moment stopping and Frame-by-Frame bolster
Better speed controls
New HD codecs (AES3, Dolby Digital Plus, TrueHD, Blu-Ray Linear PCM, Real Video 4.0)
New organizations (Raw Dirac, M2TS, ...) and significant enhancements in many arrangements...
New Dirac encoder and MP3 settled point encoder
Video scaling in fullscreen
RTSP Trickplay bolster
Compressed document playback
Adjustable toolbars
Less demanding encoding GUI in Qt interface
Better incorporation in Gtk situations
MTP gadgets on linux
AirTunes gushing
New skin for the skins2 interface

Input groups:

ID3 labels
Matroska (MKV)
WAV (incuding DTS)
Crude Audio: DTS, AAC, AC3/A52
Crude DV
FLV (Flash)

Input media:

UDP/RTP Unicast
UDP/RTP Multicast
Sound CD (without DTS)
MPEG encoder 3
Video obtaining


DIVX (1/2/3)
MPEG-4, DivX 5, XviD, 3ivX D4
Sorenson 1/3 (Quicktime)
Theora (alpha 3)
WMV 1/2
WMV 3/WMV-9/VC-1 4, 5
Indeo Video v3 (IV32)


Content records (MicroDVD, SubRIP, SubViewer, SSA1-5, SAMI, VPlayer)
Picture divider
Picture modify
Logo overlay
Picture twisting
RSS/Atom bolsters


Local DirectX, GDI


MPEG Layer 1/2
AC3 - A/52
WMA 1/2
WMA 3 7
DV Audio
QDM2/QDMC (QuickTime)
Genuine Audio 8
Representation impacts


Local DirectX WaveOut
S/PDIF DirectX WaveOut
Multi-channel DirectX WaveOut


Interfaces and control:
Default WxWidgets
Qt 4
Order line


SAP/SDP declares
Bonjour convention
Mozilla/Firefox module
ActiveX module
SVCD Menus
Compact disc Text 10
CDDB CD information 11
CPU increasing speed


Adobe Flash Player

Adobe Flash Player (IE, AOL) Beta


Streak plays little, quick sight and sound catches, and intelligent movements, flying logos, and representation made in Macromedia Flash. This player is little, sets aside just a short opportunity to download, and is an awesome beginning stage for encountering mixed media on the Web. Streak additionally bolsters high-loyalty MP3 spilling sound, content section fields, intelligent interfaces, and that's just the beginning. Every Flash configuration can be seen with this most recent discharge.

Works with: Internet Explorer, AOL Browser.

Note from Freeware Files: The download interface gave sidetracks to the creator's default download page. From that point, you will have the capacity to download the record straightforwardly.

Monsters Ate My Birthday Cake Apk Download

As so a large portion of these things do, everything starts on an otherworldly island. For this situation, Gogapoe Island, a spot populated by both people and beasts. What begins as a mission to get back Niko's birthday cake turns into a journey for the destiny of Gogapoe itself. Anyway, ya know, cake is still super imperative, as well.

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1st method:
1. Switch off your cell phone.
2. Then press Power button once
3. Now press and hold Volume Down until you see exclamation mark on the screen.
4. Next press this keys in sequence:
   Volume Up - Volume Down - Power button - Volume Down.
After that your device will reset to factory settings.

2nd method:
1. Power on the device.
2. Reset NOKIA Lumia or Microsoft
3. Go to Settings - about - reset your phone.
   Confirm your decision, and wait to finish operation.

If this tutorial helps you, Don't forget like, share my Video.
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Hard Reset will erase all of your data
All described operations you are doing at your own risk.


Ordered List

  1. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.
  2. Aliquam tincidunt mauris eu risus.
  3. Vestibulum auctor dapibus neque.

Sample Text

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation test link ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

Definition List

Definition list
Consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
Consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.


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